CSR Policy

WUS promises to continue promote and improve practices and management levels in labor, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and ethics.

1.Pay attention to employees, and continuous development
Pay attention to the interests of employees, continuously improve the working environment of employees, and enhance employee benefits. Continuously improve management performance in labor, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, business ethics, etc.

2.Comply with laws and regulations, and value commitments
Comply national laws and regulations, committed to implementing labor, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, business ethics and other requirements, and adhering to the commitments to related parties.

3.Green production, pollution prevention
Carry out the concept of resource conservation, use clean energy and raw materials, reduce pollution from the source, use environmental protection tools in a timely manner, maintain the ecological environment, reduce environmental burdens, and build an environmentally friendly enterprise.

4.Risk control, disaster prevention
Establish an accident control mechanism to minimize damage, focus on disaster prevention, and build a safe and harmonious enterprise.

5.Eliminate discrimination and respect human rights
No child labor, no corporal punishment, no abuse, do not treat employees in a coercive manner; respect employee beliefs, eliminate discrimination, and be equal in recruitment, hiring, training, and development opportunities.

6.Open and transparent, benefit the society
Employees are encouraged to directly communicate or participate in communication with the management internally. External information disclosure, communicate and publicize company policies through the company website and other methods, and work with relevant partners to jointly promote and improve corporate social responsibility management.